
In general, data is retained for the length of the contract between realsmart and the school plus a extra retention period.


For data that is stored by realsmart see our document List of personal data collected and processed by realsmart


The default extra retention period is 90 days to allow for contract renegotiation, accidental cancellation etc. This can be negotiated by the school’s Primary Contact


Data about individuals


Data about individuals can be removed from realsmart upon request by the individual concerned.

School Employees and Students should make the request via the school’s Primary Contact with realsmart.

This will be actioned within 5 working days of receipt.


Parents using smartparents can make this request directly to realsmart using the support desk contact info.

This will be actioned with 5 working days of receipt.


School Leavers

School leavers (students or employees) who are removed from the MIS will have their realsmart accounts suspended within 24 hours.


Data will be removed permanently 90 days after their accounts are suspended in realsmart.

This can be reduced on request.


Backups of realsmart data

Realsmart backup all data every 24 hours for security and data integrity. Backups are retained for 30 days after which they are permanently deleted.


Purge Users

As part of the data retention policy the realsmart purge users feature currently purges users from the realsmart system after a user has been suspended or deleted for a period of 90 days.

Starting Friday June 2nd 2023 this process will also rename google users as part of the purge process.


So usernames can be reused in google without new users accessing old users data.

The process is:

1- user is suspended or deleted in smartadmin

2- user is automatically suspended in google and added to the Suspended Users OU

3- 90 days later if the user has not been re-activated or logged in, the user is purged (removed) from realsmart

4- username is updated in google and appended with _purged_by_realsmart

E.g user is purged and renamed

This allows the google username jsmith to be used again for new staff or students username