Here is a breakdown of how realsmart provisions data. This should clarify the process for you but if you have more questions please contact:

MIS imports run automatically twice per day, once in the early hours of the morning and again around lunch time.
The info we pull/use from your MIS is as follows (some values may be MIS specific):


Name (legal and preferred), UPN, Admission number, MIS ID, Groups (year, registration, house, Key stage etc.), Classes


Name (legal and preferred), Initials/Staffcode, MIS ID, Groups (registration, house, Key stage etc.), Classes

Usernames for both user types are generated automatically on user creation based on information provided. The policy used to generate these for your school are:
Students: Year of entry, first initial, surname e.g. 17jsmith
Teachers: forename, stop, surname, e.g. john.smith

These usernames are then used to generate email addresses in Google for each active/protected user and the groups/classes are also provisioned. User provisioning into Google is suspended between 1st August and 1st September to allow for the annual timetable rotation.

I hope this answers your questions but please let us know if you would like any more information.