Creating a grid is simple using the Gallery Plugin. Follow these simple steps to display your images as links in a simple and straightforward layout.


1) Turn on The WP Gallery Custom Links Plugin

In order for the images to link properly to outside sources please activate the WP Gallery Custom Link plugin.


2) Set The Custom URL For Your Images

In order to link the images correctly, you must first manually set their destination. Set the image to a custom url in the Gallery LINK URL. Paste your link in this section.


3) Create Your Gallery

Now that your links have been added you can create your gallery.

Go to 'Add Media' in your page edit screen and click 'Create Gallery.' From here select your images and press 'Create A New Gallery.'


4) Set the row and links.

You can now set how many rows you want and where you want them to link to as well as the layout of the images.

Select THUMBNAIL GRID to set these out as a grid.

Now just click INSERT GALLERY and the grid will be added to your page.